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Purpose : Idiopathic azoospermia is the most common cause of male infertility
Recently, much efforts have been focused on possible genetic etiologies. Mutations in the
region of the Y chromosome long arm(Yq), known as the azoospermia factor(AZF)
region, have been suggested. In the present study, we analysed Korean azoospermic men
with cytologically normal Y chromosomes to examine possible genetic variations In
regions of Yq, known to be associated with impaired spermatogenesis.
Materials and Methods: A total of 63 idiopathic azoospermic subiects were examined.
Other cases Included in this study are as follows; 13 subjects with oligospermia, 12
subjects with chromosomal anomalies(eleven 47XXY patients, one 46xx male) and 2
normal subjects. Genomic DNAs were isolated from peripheral blood samples. Each
sample was examined for the presence or absence of a total of 28 Y-DNA landmarks in
the Yq including DAZ and RBM. To facilitate the analysis, we adopted multiplex PCR
where simultaneous amplification of several targets is possible in a single reaction.
Results: We detected deletions of small, interstitial portions of the Yq In a total of 14
azoospermia patients(22.2%). Deletion incidence were 14.3% for DAZ and 17.5% for other
loci(sy157, sy153, sy127, sy109). But deletion of RBM was not detected. Multiple
deletions were found in 4 subjects. One patient with 47XXY and one patient with 46xx
male also showed multiple deletions. However, testis biopsies revealed diverse histologic
appearances in these subjects.
Conclusions: As other deletions than DAZ were also found within AZF region, it is
possible that normal spermatogenesis may be regulated by more than one locus in the Y
chromosome; thus, it has yet to be waited to correlate genetic causatives and testicular


Idiopathic azoospermia; Azoospermia factor; Multiplex polymerase chain reaction;

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