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Purpose : To evaluate the significance of color Doppler ultrasonography in patients of
chronic prostatitis.
Materials and Methods : We analysed the pattern of color Doppler images and
quantitative changes of vascular flow and flow velocity parameters(FVP) using a 7.0
MHz transrectal probe with findings of expressed prostatic secretion (EPS) from 22
patients with clinically suspected chronic prostatitis and 12 controls with clinically
suspected prostatodynia retrospectively.
Results : Compared with 2 groups according to color Doppler flow grade, higher
grades(grade 2 or 3) of flow increase were more frequently seen in prostatitis
group(54.5%) than in control group(33.3%)(p<0.05). But no significant difference was
found in flow velocity parameter(FVP: maximal flow velocity, minimal flow velocity,
resistive index, and pulsatility index) between control and prostatitis group. Two months
later follow up ultrasonography of 5 cases in the prostatitis group after treatment, all of
5 cases showed decrease the color Doppler flow compared with the initial color Doppler
image grade.
Conclusions : Grading of the amount of color flow with Doppler ultrasonography is of
limited significance at efficacy decision after treatment in chronic prostatitis. But
precaution should be taken to use color Doppler ultrasonography as objective diagnostic
tool, although higher grades of flow increase were more frequently seen in prostatitis
group than control group.


Color Doppler flow; Flow velocity parameter; Prostatitis;

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