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Purpose: To compare symptoms of prostatism and their causes between two occupation
groups with different working environment and position: one group of tarsi drivers
working mainly in sitting position under constant stress and another group of barbers
working mainly in standing position.
Materials and Methods: 405 taxi drivers and 110 barber participated in prostatic disease
screening program. 93 patients with prostatic symptom were also enrolled in this study.
All participants underwent IPSS self-assessment, digital rectal examination, urinary flow
rate, transrectal ultrasound and prostatic cancer screening test (PSA, and if necessary,
prostatic biopsy).
Results: IPSS were similar in taxi drivers group and patient group, whereas it was
significantly lower in barbers group. Mean maximal flow rate was similar in both taxi
drivers and patient groups, but significantly higher in barbers group. Incidence of
abnormal voiding pattern was significantly higher in taxi drivers group compared to
other groups. TRUS showed higher incidence of calcification and ejaculatory duct
abnormality in taxi drivers group compared to other groups. Prostatitis and prostatodynia
combined were more prevalent in taxi drivers group than in barbers groups.
Conclusions: Taxi drivers working in a constrained environment of prolonged sitting
exposed to a lot of stress, pelvic floor tension and abstinence of urine had more diverse
voiding symptoms and greater prevalence of prostatitis and prostatodynia than barbers


IPSS; Prostatitis; Prostatodynia; Driver; Barber;

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