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±×·¯³ª, Ç÷Áß PSAÄ¡°¡ Áõ°¡ÇÏ¿© ½ÃÇàÇÑ Àü¸³¼±Á¶Á÷°Ë»ç»ó Àü¸³¼±¾ÏÀÌ ¾Æ´Ñ °æ¿ì ¾ç¼ºÁú
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¼­ Àü¸³¼±¾ÏÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï¸é¼­ PSA°¡ Áõ°¡ÇÑ °æ¿ì, PSAÀÇ ÀçÃøÁ¤À̳ª PSA indexÀÇ È°¿ë ¹× ¸é
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Purpose: Although prostate specific antigen(PSA) is an excellent tumor marker, it is
not prostate cancer-specific but organ-specific. The objectives of this study is to
identify the correlation between the nonmalignant elevation of PSA and the
characteristics of DRE, TRUS, and histologic features.
Materials and Methods: Ninety nine patients with elevated PSA were divided into 3
groups of prostatic cancer(46), benign prostatic hyperplasia(46), and infectious prostatic
disease(10) according to their clinical history and histology of prostate.
Results: There was significant elevation of PSA in order of prostate cancer, infectious
disease, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia(PIN), and benign prostatic hyperplasia(p<0.01).
Episodes of acute urinary retention and pyuria more frequently induced nonmalignant
elevation of PSA(p<0.05). There was no specific correlation between the findings of
TRUS and elevation of PSA except intraprostatic calculi and cyst. Irregularity of margin
and seminal vesicle on TRUS highly suggested prostatic cancer. On microscopic
examination, high grade PIN, enlarged nucleus, prominent nucleoli and perineural
invasion were highly correlated with prostatic cancer.
Conclusions: These results suggest that nonmalignant elevation of PSA has following
clinical characteristics: episodes of urinary retention, bladder calculi, urinary tract
infection, prostatic calculi or cyst, and histologically benign. And the values of PSA in
nonmalignant condition is not so elevated as malignancy.


PSA; Nonmalignant elevation;

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