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Purpose: We reviewed surgical results in a group of women after Raz bladder neck
suspension using questionnaire based outcomes analysis.
Materials and Methods: Of 71 patients who underwent Raz bladder neck suspension 55
had completed the questionnaire. Interviewees mean age was 54 years(range: 41-72
years) and mean observation time was 26.2 months(range: 3-77 months).
Results: According to outcomes analysis 39 patients(70.9%) were cured, 4(7.2%)
improved, 11(20%) same and 1(1.8%) became worse. Overall improvement was found to
be 43 patients(78.2%). 40(72.7%) patients replied ¡®satisfactory¡¯ for the Raz bladder
neck suspension. Overall ¡®success rate¡¯ was estimated as 74.5%. No significant
statistical correlation was found between success rate of Raz bladder neck suspension
and various factors such as patients age, urge incontinence or follow up length. Of the
55 patients 7(12.7%) reported daily pad use.
Conclusions: With these questionnaire based outcome analysis there was an overall
success rate of 74.5%. We strongly emphasize the need for standardized questionnaire
based outcome analyses for the evaluation of incontience surgery.


Stress urinal incontinence; Raz bladder neck suspension; Questionnaire; Outcome;

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