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Purpose: Vasoactive pharmacotherapy is now being widely used as practical and
reliable method for the treatment of the patients with erectile dysfunction. The
synergistic effect and low drug volume of each vasoactive drug in polypharmacotherapy
for erectile dysfunction have made it possible to reduce both systemic and local
complications with excellent success rate. We evaluated the treatment outcome of
intracavernosal injection therapy with Trimix(the mixture of papaverine, phentolamine
and prostaglandin E1).
Materials and Methods: From July 1993 to June 1997, 1000 patients with erectile
dysfunction underwent a trial of intracavernous self injection therapy with Trimix(the
mixture of papaverine 4.8mg, phentolamine 0.2mg and prostaglandin E1
1.8ug in 0.2ml). Underlying diseases were diabetes mellitus (33.1%), hypertension(7.5%)
and others(12.3%). 471(47.1%) patients had no underlying disease. The volume of drug
used ranged from 0.03 to 0.6ml(average: 0.18ml).
Results: After a mean follow-up of 10.9 months(3-44 months), 524 patients stayed on
the home injection program. The drop-out rate was 47.6% with most of the cases
during early home phase. The reasons for drop-out were inadequate response to
medication, failure of injection, return of spontaneous erection, switch to other
treatments, priapism, fear of needle or injection, loss of interest and economic reason.
88.3% of patients and 85.3% of the partners were satisfied wilts the result of home
injection program. Priapism(3.9%), pain or discomfort(2.4%) and granuloma on injection
site(1.5%) were noticeable complications, but corporal fibrosis and systemic side effect
were not noticed.
Conclusions: Trimix intracavernosal injection therapy is minimally invasive, simple,
relatively safe and most of all, very effective method for the treatment of the patients
with erectile dysfunction.


Impotence; Intracavernous pharmacotherapy; Trimix;

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