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Áö¹æÁ¶Á÷¼ººÐÀÌ °á¿©µÈ ½ÅÇ÷°ü±ÙÁö¹æÁ¾ I·Ê A Case of Angiomyolipoma without Demonstrable Fat Component

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 39±Ç 11È£ p.1143 ~ 1147
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¸é¿ªÁ¶Á÷ÇÐÀû °Ë»ç»ó melanocytic cell-specific monoclonal antibody(HMH-45)¿°»ö¿¡ ¾ç¼º
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Renal angiomylipomas are uncommon benign neoplasms composed of mature fat
tissue, thick-walled blood vessels and smooth muscle in varying proportions, which can
be commonly diagnosed by those unique fat nature in abdominal ultrasonography and
abdominal CT scan. Renal angiomyolipomas without demonstrable fat component are
rarely reported which is difficult to differentiate from renal cell carcinoma.
We report a case of renal angiomyolipoma without demonstrable fat component which
was proven to positive HMB-45 stain after partial nephrectomy.


Angiomyolipoma; HMB¡­45 stain; Fat component;

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