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ȾÇà ÀüÀ§ °íȯÀ» µ¿¹ÝÇÑ Áö¼Ó¼º ¹Á·¯°üÁõÈıº I·Ê Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome in a Boy with Transverse Testicular Ectopia: a Case Report

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 39±Ç 11È£ p.1158 ~ 1160
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Áö¼Ó¼º ¹Á·¯°üÁõÈıº(persistent mullenan duct syndrome)Àº ¹Á·¯°ü ¾ïÁ¦ÀÎÀÚ(mullerian
inhibiting lung substance; MIS)ÀÇ »ý¼º ÀÌ»ó ȤÀº ¸»ÃÊ¿¡¼­ ¹Á·¯°ü ¾ïÁ¦ÀÎÀÚÀÇ È¯¼º ÀÌ»ó
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Persistent mullerian duct syndrome is characterized by the presence of mullerian
structures in male subiects with normal penile and scrotal development. A deficiency of
activity of a mullerian inhibiting substance during gestation is believed to be responsible
for this syndrome. To date approximately 150 cases of persistent mullerian duct
syndrome have been reported and the syndrome of transverse testicular ectopia with
persistent mullerian duct structures is much rarer. In Korea, this is the fourth case to
be reported.
We report a case of persistent mullerian duct syndrome with transverse testicular
ectopia in a 7 month-old-boy. Both testes were in the right side of scrotum but no
epididymises were found there, which resulted in the disruption of normal relationship
between the was and testis. Regarding there was no fertility, mullerian duct structures
were removed.


Persistent mullerian duct syndrome; Transverse testicular ectopia;

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