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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 39±Ç 12È£ p.1180 ~ 1184
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Á³´ø ÁúȯÀÌ ´ÜÀÏ ÁúȯÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó Ư¹ß¼ºÆÄŲ½¼º´(idiopathic Parkinson's disease: IPD), ´Ù¹ß
¼º±â°üÀ§Ãà(multiple system atrophy; MSA), ÁøÇ༺Çٻ󼺸¶ºñ(progressive supranuclear
palsy; PSP)µî ¿©·¯ °¡Áö Áúȯ¿¡¼­ ³ªÅ¸³¯ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ÁõÈıºÀ̶ó´Â °ÍÀÌ ¹àÇôÁö°Ô µÇ¾ú´Ù.
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»óÇÙ(caudate nucleus), ´ãⱸ(globuspallidus), ¼Ò³ú, ³ú±³ÇÙ(pontine nuclei), °¨¶÷ÇÙ(olivary
nucleus), ô¼öÀÇ intermediolateral cell column ¹× Onuf's ÇÙµî ±¤¹üÀ§ÇÑ ÁßÃ߽Űæ°è¿¡ º¯Çü
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¸ðµÎ MSAÀÇ ´Ù¸¥ ¹ßÇö¾ç»óÀ¸·Î ¿©°ÜÁö°í ÀÖ´Ù.
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Purpose : The onset and severity of voiding dysfunction in multiple system
atrophy(MSA) is more early and severe than that of idiopathic Parkinson's disease(IPD).
We compared the voiding symptoms and urodynamic findings in patients with MSA and
IPD in order to elucidate the characteristics of their voiding dysfunction.
Materials and Methods : We reviewed urodynamic data from 19 men and 10 women
with parkisonism. Of the 29 patients(mean age 66.5 years), 19 patients (mean age 68.7
years) had IPD and 10 patients(mean age 62.4 years) had MSA. The mean duration of
the disease in all patients was 4 years and 10 months, and there was no significant
difference between IPD and MSA.
Results : Detrusor hyperreflexia(DH) was seen in 8 patients, detrusor hypereflexia with
impaired detrusor contractility(DHIC) in 3, detrusor hyperreflexia with bladder outlet
obstruction(DHOB) in 4, impaired detrusor contractility(If) in 8, and normal findings in 6.
In IPD, DH was noted in 5 patients, DHIC in 3, DHOB in 2, IC in 5 and normal in 4,
and a similar distribution was seen in MSA. However, there was no significant
difference in the prevalence of involuntary detrusor contraction between IPD and MSA.
Irritative voiding symptoms were seen in 11 patients, obstructive symptoms in 10, and
both in 8. Obstructive symptoms were dominate in IPD and irritative symptoms in
MSA. Impaired relaxation of the voluntary sphincter was seen in 12(41%) patients with
parkisonism,8 in IPD, and 4 in MSA.
Conclusions : There was no difference between idiopathic Parkinson's disease and
multiple system atrophy in mean age, sex, mean duration of disease, subjective voiding
symptoms and urodynamic findings. Disease specific findings were not identified in
patients with parkinsonism.


Parkinsonism; Idiopathic Parkison's disease; Multiple system atrophy;;

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