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Purpose : To evaluate the urodynamic findings in diabetics complaining of urinary
voiding symptoms, the retrospective study was performed.
Materials and Methods : For 5 years, from Jan. 1992 to Dec. 1997, urodynamic findings
on 76 diabetics(49 males and 27 females) with voiding dysfunction were assessed and
classified into; 1, detrusor instability, 2, impaired detrusor contractility, 3, detrusor
areflexia, 4, indeterminate, 5, normal. Diabetic patients who had diseases of influential
potentiality on bladder function were excluded out. A detailed history of diabetes, past
and present medical history were reviewed. In addition, a thorough voiding history, urine
culture, blood chemistry and physical examination were determinate. Ophthalmic
examination by ophthalmologist and sacral reflex arc examination by urologist were also
examined. Those with abnormal sacral reflex arc(absent bulbocavernous reflex, lax anal
sphincter tone and control) were deemed sacral cord signs positive, and those with
intact sacral reflexes were deemed sacral cord signs negative.
Results : The urodynamic findings of 76 diabetic patients were distributed into
25(32.9%) detrusor instability 23(30.3%) impaired detrusor contractility, 21 (27.8%)
detrusor areflexia, 6(7.9%) indeterminate and 1 (1.3%) normal. Thirty six(47.4%) of them
had retinopathy and 27(35.5%) had positive sacral cord sign, those complications took
place most frequently in diabetics with detrusor areflexia.
Conclusions : Diabetic cystopathy revealed various patterns of bladder dysfunction, and
detrusor areflexia patients showed high incidence of retinopathy and positive sacral cord
sign. It is necessary that urodynamic studies should be done in diabetic cystopathy to
characterize the treatment of voiding dysfunction.


Diabetic cystopathy; Urodynamics;

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