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bladder tumor antigen(BTA)°Ë»ç´Â ºñ±³Àû °£´ÜÇϸ鼭 ³ôÀº Á¤È®µµ¸¦ ³ªÅ¸³»´Â °ÍÀ¸·Î ¾Ë
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Purpose : The Bard Bladder Tumor Antigen(BTA) test is a latex agglutination assay
that qualitatively detects the presence of basement membrane degradation complexes in
the urine when the bladder tumor cells invade and destruct an extracellular matrix,
called basement membrane. We evaluated the clinical significance of BTA test in the
diagnosis and follow-up of patients with bladder cancer by comparing it with bladder
washing cytology.
Materials and Methods : The Bard BTA test was compaired to bladder washing
cytology in 26 patients with bladder cancer(group ¥°), 18 undergoing surveillance
cystoscopy for previous bladder cancer(group ¥±), and 10 suffering from other urologic
diseases except bladder cancer(group ¥²).
Results : Of the group ¥° patients, 84.6% were correctly diagnosed with the Bard BTA
test compared to 69.2% with bladder washing cytology, which is statistically
significant(p<0.05). There was no difference in sensitivity according to tumor grade and
stage. There was a high positive rate in group ¥± and ¥² patients probably due to the
degeneration of basement membrane by other conditions such as intravesical BCG or
mitomycin instillation, infection, or prostate cancer.
Conclusions : The Bard BTA test is a non-invasive, simple, rapid, inexpensive adjunct
to cystoscopy, and superior to bladder washing cytology in sensitivity, but many false
positive results were observed. Further clinical evaluation is warranted to determine
whether the false positive results are true or the result of inadequate number of patients


BTA test; Cytology; Bladder cancer;

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