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Purpose : We evaluated the associations between the expression of bcl-2, CD44, p53
and tumor progression in prostate cancer.
Materials and Methods : Samples of prostatic tissue from 36 men with histologically
confirmed prostate cancer were obtained by biopsy or transurethral prostatectomy, and
we examined the expression of bcl-2, CD44, p53 using immunohistochemical staining
and related their expression with the stage, grade, disease progression.
Results : Ten of 23 tumors were positive for bcl-2, 10 of 20 negative for CD44 and 11
of 16 positive for p53 had progression. Nine of 16 tumors positive for p53 were poorly
differentiated compared with 6 of 20 negative for p53(p<0.05). Also, 13 of 20 tumors
negative for CD44 were poorly differentiated compared with 2 of 16 positive for
CD44(p<0.05). A significant number of patients positive for p53 progressed and had
shorter time to progression compared to those negative for p53(p<0.05). Bcl-2 staining
was not correlated with grade, clinical stage and tumor progression. p53 staining was
not correlated with clinical stage, whereas CD44 was not correlated with clinical stage
and tumor progression.
Conclusions : There was an association between aggressive behaviour of prostate
cancer and the increasing expression of p53. This study confirmed that the expression
of p53 had significant impact on the disease progression regardless of stage in the
prostate cancer however, the expression CD44 and bcl-2 had no role in the progression
and clinical stage of the prostate cancer.


Prostate cancer; bcl-2; CD44; p53;

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