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Purpose : Orthotopic neobladder following radical cystectomy are currently preferred to
the other urinary diversions. We have compared three different ureteroenteric
anastomoses regarding change of the upper urinary tracts and evaluated correlation
between the length of bowel used for bladder reconstruction and metabolic acidosis.
Materials and Methods : Between Sep. 92 and Jul. 97, 37 patient(range 34-69 yrs) with
bladder cancer underwent an orthotopic Mainz pouch with antireflux submucosal
tunnel(n=10), an ileal low-pressure bladder substitute with direct ureteroileal
anastomosis(Stuffier, n=15) and an ileal W-neobladder with serouslined ertramural
tunnel(Ghoneim, n=12) following radical cystectomy Mean follow up was 22 months(7-64
twos). IVP and VCUG were performed at 6, 12 months postoperatively and annually
thereafter. The measurement of serum electrolyte and/or arterial blood gas analysis were
carried out every 3-6 months.
Results : The vesicoureteral reflux occurred in 37%(11/30 renal unit) with Stuffier
pouch, 10%(2/20) with Mainz pouch, and none with Ghoneim(p=0.01). Moderate to severe
hydronephrosis resulting from reflux was noted in 4 renal units with Stuffier pouch,
while an atrophic kidney due to obstruction at ureteroenteric anastomosis was noted
with each Mainz pouch and Ghoneim. Metabolic acidosis was identified in 5
patients(33%) with an Stuffier pouch whereas it was noted in less than 10% with Mainz
pouch and Ghoneim(p=0.07). Two patients with deteriorated renal function need
bicarbonate replacement therapy for correction of metabolic acidosis.
Conclusions : Although most patients with direct ureteroileal anastomosis preserved
renal function, antireflux ureteroenteric anastomosis using submucosal tunnel or
serous-lined extramural tunnel is better in terms of occurrence of hydronephrosis and
vesicoureteral reflux. The length of bowel less than 45cm used for bladder
reconstruction may avoid metabolic acidosis


Bladder substitution; Bladder neoplasms; Metabolic acidosis;

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