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°æÁ÷ÀåÃÊÀ½ÆÄ: Àý¸³¼±°èÃøÀÇ ¿ÀÂ÷ Transrectal Ultrasonography : Error of Prostatic Measurement

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[HWL; height(³ôÀÌ) x width(Æø) x length(±æÀÌ) x ¥ð/6]10ÀÌ °¡Àå ³Î¸® »ç¿ë
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(intra-observer error), ±×¸®°í ¼­·Î ´Ù¸¥ °üÂûÀÚ »çÀÌÀÇ ¿ÀÂ÷(inter-observer error)µîÀº ÇÇ
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Purpose : Transrectal ultrasonography is known to be an effective tool for the
determination of prostatic volume. But the irregularity of shape and the limitation of
reliability by intra-observer and inter-observer bias may influence over the results. I
would like to represent several factors for the error of transrectal ultrasonographic
measurement of prostatic volume.
Material and Methods : Errors for transrectal ultrasonographic volume determination of
the prostate, based on the principle of HWL(Height x Width x Length x ¥ð/6) are
presented. Some artificial prostatic models were made and compared between the real
volumes and calculated results. The intra-observer error was determined in 39 cases by
repeated measurements. The inter-observer error was also determined in 32 vases by
repeated measurements of different observer.
Results : There were significant discrepancies between real volumes and calculated
results and the range of error by shape was -19¡­38%. The ranges of intra-observer
and inter-observer errors with 95% confidence interval were -7.4¡­6.1% and 2.7-9.9%.
Conclusions : Errors by several factors should be considered for the clinical application
of measured prostatic volume by ultrasonography irrespective of its statistical validity
and reliability.


Ultrasonography; Prostate;

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