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À¯Ä¡¿ø¾Æ¿¡¼­ÀÇ ¾ß´¢Áõ°ú ¿ä³óÃà´É Enuresis and Urine Concentration in Healthy Preschool Children

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Purpose: To determine if the urine specific gravity(SG) plays a role in enuresis, the
first morning urine SG of the healthy preschool nocturnal enuretic was compared with
that of the nonenuretic. The results of desmopressin were analyzed according to the
pretreatment urine SG to know if the urine SG can predict the responsiveness of the
Materials and Methods: Five hundred twenty healthy preschool children aged 3-6
years were entered in this prospective observer-blinded study. A comparison was made
between SG of the first morning urine specimen and results of questionnaire concerning
the bed wetting and voiding habits of children. The responsiveness to oral
desmopressin(0.2-0.4§· h.s.) in 14-day treatment periods was also analyzed according to
the urine SG in 28 children with enuresis. The responder group was defined as a
reduction of at least 50% from the number of wet night.
Results: The incidence of enuresis was 8.6 percent. Stastistically significant difference
was found between the between and nonbedwetter group with regard to the urine
SG(p<0.05). The overall response rate of desmopressin was 68 percent. There was no
significant difference between the responder and nonresponder group with respect to
urine SG.
Conclusions: The first morning urine of the enuretic showed higher probability of
lower level of the SG than that of the nonenuretic. Treatment with desmopressin was
associated with a significant decrease in the number of wet night, but clinical response
was not predictable based on the first morning urine SG.


Enuresis; Urine concentration; Preschool children;

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