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Purpose : The voiding difficulty in aged people is usually caused by prostate tumor
and these tumors are influenced by the androgen. The purpose of this research was to
study the prostatic genetic change caused by changes of hormonal milers and evaluate
the pattern of the changes of p57 and bcl-2 mRNA in human and rat prostate at
different biological condition.
Materials and Methods : This study was performed in two ways, with animal model
and human prostate. As animal model, the rats were castrated surgically or
chemically(5-alpha reductase inhibitor) and their prostates were collected according to
the schedule. Pattern of expression changes in p57 and bcl-2 mRNA was observed. In
human prostate, three normal prostates from young 30th, five benign hyperplastic
prostates and five cancerous prostates were collected for evaluation of p57 mRNA
expression. The evaluation of the expression of those genes was done by in situ
Results : The expression of the p57 mRNA was observed at the cytoplasm in all
three types of the prostate tissues. The expressions of mRNA message were increased
from the post-orchiectomy three days group up to postorchiectomy two weeks. After
two weeks, there were little change in expression of the p57 mRNA. Compared with
normal prostate group, the expressions of p57 mRNA were reduced in BPH and prostate
cancer groups without treatment. The expression of bcl-2 was increased in expression
upto postorchiectomy 4th week and reduced. In BPH and prostate cancer, the expression
of the bcl-2 mRNA was increased in comparison with normal prostate.
Conclusions : With above experiment, the expression patterns of p57 and bcl-2
mRNAs reversed and the prostate cancer showed reduced expression. This result
suggests that p57 and bel-2 may play important roles in differentiation of BPH and
prostatic cancer. The differentiation of BPH and prostate cancer by p57 and bcl-2 were


p57 mRNA; bcl-mRNA; Prostate;

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