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´ë»óÆ÷Áø¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¹è´¢Àå¾Ö Volding Dysfunction associated with Herpes Zoster

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Purpose : Herpes zoster infection involving the lumbosacral dermatomes may cause
voiding dysfunction. In this study, we investigated the clinical features and urologic
manifestations in patients suffering from voiding dysfunction caused by herpes zoster
Materials and Methods : We have reviewed the whole medical records in 5 patients
who showed voiding dysfunction concomitant with herpes zoster infection.
Results : Dermatome levels of zoster infection were thoracic in 1, lumbar in 1 and
sacral in 3 patients. Urologic symptoms were acute urinary retention in 4, who showed
detrusor areflexia in the cystometrogram, and cystitis-like symptom with detrusor
hyperreflexia in 1 patient. 3 of five patients showed weak anal tonus and constipation. 4
patients who showed detrusor areflexia were managed by indwelling catheter or clean
intermittent catheterization with ¥á-blocker and 1 patient who showed detrusor
hyerreflexia was managed by anticholinergics. The mean time of recovery from voiding
dysfunction was 2.2weeks (range: 1-5weeks).
Conclusions : Herpes zoster infection should be considered in patients presenting with
an acute neurogenic bladder of unknown cause. However, the prognosis is favorable and
most of the patients regain normal bladders function within 2 weeks.


Herpes zoster; Neurogenic bladder; Cystometrogram; Voiding dysfunction;

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