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ÆäÀ̷δϺ´ÀÇ Ä¡·á¿¡¼­ °æ±¸¿ë ¾à¹°ÀÇ ÀÓ»óÈ¿°ú Medical Treatment of Peyronie's Disease

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-blocker³ª barbiturate »ç¿ë, ¿äµµ ³» ±â±¸Á¶ÀÛ, Ç÷°ü ¼Õ»ó¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ÀÚ°¡¸é¿ª, Dupuytren's
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Purpose : Peyronie's disease is characterized by the presence of one or more fibrous
plaques in the tunica albuginea or intercavernous septum, that is a slowly evolving
disease which may cause a bending of the penis as well as pain during erection.
Despite its self-limiting nature in many patients, a few patients will eventually require
therapies if deformity or impotence is severe and conservative cares have failed.
Currently numerous surgical and non-surgical therapies have been used for Peyronie's
disease. In this study we evaluated the effectiveness of oral medication in the treatment
of Peyronie's disease.
Materials and Methods : We analyzed retrospectively 123 patients with Peyronie's
disease treated with oral medication in the period of 1991-1997. 20 patients were
observed without medication. 23 patients were treated with oral prednisolone, 22 patients
with oral vitamin E, 40 patients with oral prednisolone and vitamin E, and 18 patients
with potassium p-aminobenzoate(Potaba).
Results : Age distribution of patients was 23-84 years(mean: 51.4 years). Chief
complaints were curvature of the penis during erection for 82% of the patients, painful
erection for 66%, and problems with sexual intercourse for 34%, Average size of the
plaques was 6.25§¯2. The average duration of symptoms was 12.5 months.
With prednisolone, curvature of penis during erection, plaques and painful erection were
improved 55.6%, 57.1% and 86.7% respectively With vitamin E, clinical results were
reported 65.0%, 66.7% and 73.3% and with prednisolone and vitamin E 70.9%, 79.5% and
78.6% and with Potaba 81.3%, 82.4% and 90.9%. No patients with sexual dysfunction
experienced improved sexual function. No serious side effects were observed in any of
our patients.
Conclusions : With these results, it can be concluded that the distressing symptoms of
Peyronie's disease can be treated with oral agents. Oral medication therapy may be a
safe, noninvasive therapeutic alternative treatment method in patients with Peyronie's
disease but further studies were need to evaluate the effectiveness compared with
intralesional injection therapy or surgery for Peyronie's disease.


Peyronie's disease; Plaque; Curvature; Pain; Medication;

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