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Purpose : We assessed the significance of immunosuppressive acidic protein(IAP) as a
tumor marker for renal cell carcinoma.
Materials and Methods : The serum concentration of IAP was determined in
88patients with renal cell carcinoma and in 12 healthy adults by turbidometric
immunoassay. We examined the prognostic value of the serum IAP level and its
association with other clinicopathological parameters such as tumor stage and grade.
Results : The mean value of serum IAP in patients with renal cell carcinoma (643.0¡¾
447.5§¶/§¢) was statistically higher than that of the control group (320.4¡¾79.0§¶/§¢).
Positive rates of IAP were noticed as 22.2%, 56.9%, 57.9%, and 100% of patients in
stages T1, T2, T3, and T4, respectively. The mean value of serum IAP in metastatic
patients(1159.6¡¾711.7§¶/§¢) was higher than that in non-metastatic patients (553.5¡¾313.4
§¶/§¢)(p=0.0001). In high grade tumors (Fuhrman's muclear grade ¥²/¥³), IAP level
(693.5¡¾385.14§¶/§¢) was higher than that (507.1¡¾305.44§¶/§¢) of low grade tumors(grade
Conclusions : Serum IAP seems to be useful as diagnostic and followup tumor marker
in patients with renal cell carcinoma.


Renal cell carcinoma; Tumor markers; Biological; Immunosuppressvie acidic protein;

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