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¹æ±¤¾Ï ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ Telomerase PCR-ELISA °Ë»ç¹ý Telomerase PCR-ELISA Assay In Diagnosis of Bladder Tumor

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Purpose: The detection of telomerase activity is a new and useful method in diagnosis
of bladder transitional cell carcinoma(TCC) in urine samples. But the detection method
of telomerase activity is not easily performed in clinical settings because it uses
radio-isotope and electrophoresis. We evaluated the test results of telomerase
PCR-ELISA and compared them with the results of urinary cytology.
Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate the feasibility of telomerase PCR-ELISA
method in bladder TCC, 36 bladder washing samples of patients with bladder TCC and
10 bladder washing samples of benign urologic diseases were examined for telomerase
Results: The overall sensitivity and specificity of the telomerase test was 76.5%
(26/36) and 80.0%(4/5). The sensitivity of telomerase test was higher than that of
urinary cytology in low grade bladder TCC. Sensitivity of the telomerase test according
to the nuclear grade of bladder TCC was 61.5% in grade ¥°, 92.3% in grade ¥±, 75% in
grade ¥². In contrast, the sensitivity was 38.5% in grade ¥°, 66.7% in grade ¥±, 87.5%
in grade ¥² in urinary cytology. There was no correlation between the tumor stages and
the sensitivity of telomerase test.
Conclusions: We have shown that the sensitivity and specificity of telomerase
PCR-ELISA method is similar to the results of telomerase tests previously reported
using radioisotope. Furthermore, the telomerase test is more sensitive in detecting
bladder tumor of low grade than urinary cytology. These findings suggest that
telomerase PCR-ELISA method can be used conveniently and widely for the detection of
bladder tumor in clinical practice.


Bladder tumor; Diagnostic marker; Telomerase activity; PCR-ELISA assay;

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