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Purpose: Various surgical methods have been using to treat female stress urinary
incontinence. However, significant numbers of those patients suffered from immediate or
delayed recurrences. The aims of this study were to analyze the etiology of recurrent
stress urinary incontinence and evaluate the efficacy of each operation which was used
as method of treating recurrent stress urinary incontinence.
Materials and Methods: Data of 16 female patients with recurrent stress urinary
incontinence who visited and treated at our urologic department from January 1995 to
March 1998 were analyzed. All patients were assessed for their age, types of previous
and current anti-incontinence operations, urodynamic findings and final outcomes.
Results: Mean age was 48.8 years old. 12 patients were taken anti-incontinence
operations only once before recurrence, and 4 patients experienced two times of
anti-incontinence operations. Two of 16(12%) patients were diagnosed as anatomic
incontinence(AI), 3(19%) patients were diagnosed as intrinsic sphincteric
dysfunction(ISD), and 11(69%) patients had both AI and ISD. Two AI patients were
finally managed by Raz bladder neck suspension with anterior and posterior
colporrhaphy(APR), and Burch colposuspension, respectively. Three ISD patients were
treated by sling operation & APR, collagen injection, and Burch colposuspension,
repectively. 11 mixed incontinence patients were treated by sling operations & APR(7),
Burch colposuspension(3), Stamey's needle suspension & APR(1). None of 16 patients
has developed recurrent urinary incontinence so far.
Conclusions: Basic principle in treating AI is the correction of the urethral
hypermobility. However, 81%(13f16) of patients still had urethral hypermobility in spite
of previous anti-incontinence surgery, and it seems that those anti-incontinence
surgeries were improperly selected or urethral hypermobility reappeared. Patients who
showed urinary incontinence in spite of well supported bladder neck suggest the
possibility of undetected or secondary ISD. These findings support the importance of
selection of proper initial surgical management. In recurrent urinary incontinence, in spite
of well show undetected or secondary appeared ISD component regardless of urethral
hypermobility. In those situations, sling operation can be a safe and effective procedure
in the management of patients with failed anti-incontinence surgery.


Stress urinary incontinence; Surgery; Reoperation;

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