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Purpose : Mutation of the p53 gene in one of the most common genetic abnormalities
found in solid human tumors. p53 gene is related to the cell cycle and concerned with
the control of cellular proliferation or cell death by mediating "programmed cell
death(Apoptosis)". The objective of this study is to evauate the expression of p53
mutations and apoptosis with metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma.
Materials and Methods : We examined 31 paraffin-embedded tissues and compared
with the tumor grade, survival estimates. Nuclear expression of p53 could be detected
using the monoclonal antibody DO-7 and the expression of apoptosis could be detected
using Apotag by in situ hybridization method. The study group was divided by Gleason
sum score into low score group(score 2-7, 16cases) and high score group(score 8-10,
Results : Positive staining for p53 was found in three of sixteen low score
group(19%), eight of fifteen high grade group(53%). Diffuse(>20%) staining was
considered as positive for p53 expression. Positive expression of p53 showed more
frequent in high Gleason score group than low score group(p=0.044). And more
expression for p53 was related to more short survival time than negative p53
group(p=0.041). Mean expression for apoptosis in thirty one cases was 32%. In low
Gleason score group mean expression for apoptosis was 35% and 28% was found in
high Gleason score group. No significant relationship between low and high group in
expressing for apoptosis(p=0.2526). No difference was found for survival time between
two groups(p=0.96). And no specific relationship was found between the expression of
p53 and apoptosis in low and high Gleason score group each other(p=0.275).
Conclusions : p53 mutations play an important role as aggressive biological properties
in the metastatic prostate cancer in relation to Gleason grade. Therefore we might use
the extent of p53 expression as an useful prognostic factor in clinical aspects. But the
expression of apoptosis cannot reveal any specific features with tumor grade, survival


Prostate cancer; p53; Apoptosis; Immunohistochemistry;

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