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Purpose : The process of micturition is depend on the bladder contracton power and
urethral resistance. The higher urethral resistance in the BPH, the greater power(W) is
needed to open the urethra and keep it open during voiding. It has been known that the
occurrence of unstable bladder did correlate with the degree of obstruction. Unstable
detrusor will exhibit greater contraction power with more efficient voiding(evidenced by
higher flow rate, less voiding time). We performed this study to define the differences
of urodynamic voiding parameters including detrusor contractility between unstable and
stable bladder in the BPH.
Materials and Methods : In all subjects bladder outlet obstruction was ascertained
urodynamically and BPH was diagnosed by digital rectal examination and transrectal
ultrasound. The patients were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 included 25 men chosen
randomly among BPH patients with bladder outlet obstruction and detrusor instability.
Group 2 consisted of 22 men chosen at random among BPH patients with stable
obstructed bladders. For each subject a number of urodynamic parameters derived from
pressure-flow study were evaluated.
Results : Obstructive findings were found in the pressure-flow study in the both
groups. Patients ages were 64.1 in the unstable and 61.9 years old in the stable group.
Peak flow rate, minimum urethral opening pressure, maximum detrusor pressure,
detrusor pressure at peak flow, maximum external voiding power were 14.2§¢/sec, 24.3§¯
H2O, 52.1§¯H2O, 42.9§¯H2O, 537.3mW,
respectively in the unstable group and 11.6§¢/sec, 17.5§¯H2O, 45.3§¯
H2O, 34.1§¯H2O, 388.2mWm in the stable group. Voiding
time was shorter in the unstable group(41.9sec) than in the stable group(54.5sec).
Maximum cystometric capacity was significantly greater in the stable group(434.2§¢)
than in the unstable group(287.5§¢)(p<0.01). Maximum contraction power, peak flow
detrusor power, opening contraction power were significantly greater in the unstable
group(38.8¡¾20.2§Ð/§®2, 34.0¡¾18.5§Ð/§®2, 24.0¡¾3.1§Ð/§®
2, respectively) than in the stable group(14.2¡¾7.4§Ð/§®2, 12.9
¡¾8.1§Ð/§®2, 11.2¡¾1.6§Ð/§®2vv)(p<0.01). Voiding efficiency was
signficantly higher in the unstable population(68.6¡¾28.9%) than in the stable one(47.5¡¾
31,3%)(p=0.02). There were significant positive correlations between opening contraction
power with maximum detrusor pressure(r=0.45) and peak flow detrusor
Conclusions : In this study, there were more powerful micturition power and more
efficient voiding in unstable bladder group. Conclusively, it seems that unstable bladder
possibly works as an energy saving device thereby maintaining efficient voiding despite


Detrusor instability; Detrusor contractility; Benign prostatic hyperplasia;

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