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Purpose : The present study was designed to evaluate the incidence and
characteristics of acquired cystic kidney disease(ACKD) in patients with end-stage renal
disease who were treated by chronic hemodialysis, using renal ultrasonography.
Materials and Methods : We performed renal ultrasonography as a screening modality
in 112 patients treated with long-term hemodialysis due to end-stage renal disease. We
classified the patients years from one to six years.
Results : In our study, cystic lesions were noted in 41 patients(36.6%) and there was
no sexual predilection of ACKD. Also, a prolonged period of hemodialysis increased the
incidence of ACKD, especially for those treated more than 49 months. We encountered a
case of renal cell cancer, evaluated it with CT, and then treated it by radical
Conclusions : With these results, renal ultrasonography can be used as a screening
modality in patients treated with long-term hemodialysis more than 49 months due to
end-stage renal disease. As complications occur, further evaluation will be needed.


Acquired cystic kidney disease; Hemodialysis;

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