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¾ß°£ºó´¢ ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ DesmopressinÀÇ ÀÓ»ó È¿°ú The Effect of Desmopressin in Nocturia

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Purpose : Nocturia results in sleep disturbance that may affect the quality of life
during the day. We investigated the safety and efficacy of desmopressin in patients with
nocturia without consideration of their underline diseases.
Materials and Methods : 30 patients who showed nocturia of 3 times or more per
night were included in this study. All had failed to respond to treatment with regard to
their underline disease and evening fluid restriction. Urinary specific gravity and
osmolality, serum osmolality, BUN, Cr, Na, and K were monitored and voiding diary for
3 days was taken before and during treatment for 2 weeks. Meanwhile, patients whose
nocturia were improved during treatment were asked whether symptom improvement
continued or not after cessation.
Results : In 23(76.7%) out of 30 patients, desmopressin caused a significant decrease
in nocturia without changing daytime frequency, laboratory data and serious adverse
effects. After cessation of desmopressin, this effect continued in 11 patients(36.7%).
Conclusions : Desmopressin seems to have a place in the treatment of nocturia, where
more conventional therapies have failed.


Nocturia; Desmopressin;

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