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¹æ±¤ÀÇ Çظé»óÇ÷°üÁ¾ 1·Ê A Case of Cavernous Hemangioma of the Urinary Bladder

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Hemangiomas of the bladder are a rare but recognized cause of gross hematuria. In
many cases, the tumor shows the characteristics of an iceberg, with considerable
extravesical extension making endoscopic management less suitable. In spite of its
benign nature, bladder hemangioma may grow continuously, and spontaneous regression
is rare. They need to be adequately treated to avoid recurrent fatal hematuria and
appropriately followed up to detect recurrency or persistency.
We report a case of cavernous hemangioma of the bladder In 26-year-old woman,
who presented recurrent gross hematuria and was treated with partial cystectomy.


Cavernous hemangioma; Urinary bladder;

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