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Purpose: Small renal parenchymal masses smaller than 3cm in diameter have been
discovered with increasing frequency. This increment also increased the detection of
benign tumor as well as the renal cell carcinoma. However many of them are
radiologically indeterminate. We compared the results of pathologic examinations and
preoperative radiologic features to determine the characteristics in small renal masses
that preoperatively differentiate benign tumors from the malignant tumors.
Materials and Methods: 27 patients who had operative management due to renal
masses smaller than 3§¯ in diameter were retrospectively analysed. Mean age of the
patients was 52.3 years and mean diameter of renal masses was 2.1¡¾0.8§¯. Preoperative
ultrasonoraphy(USG) and computerized tomography(CT) findings were compared with
postoperative results of pathologic examinations.
Results: Of 27 patients, 17(63%) were renal cell carcinomas, 5(7.4%) were
angiomyolipomas(AMLs), 3(11 1%) were complicated cysts, 1(3.7%) was oncocytoma, 1
(3.7%) was leiomyoma. Of the typical enhancement patterns of renal cell carcinoma on
CT, heterogenous enhancement(29.4 vs. 14.3%), central necrosis(47.1 vs. 14.3%) were
more frequent in small RCCs than small benign solid renal masses. However, early
enhancement and delayed wash-out pattern(64.7 vs. 85.7%) was less frequent in small
RCCs than small benign solid renal masses. All small cystic masses were shown the
radiologic findings of Bosniak classification ¥² or ¥³. All AMLs appeared to be
sonographically homogeneous hyperechoic masses that were highly suggestive of AML.
However, none of RCCs showed these sonographic findings.
Conclusions: In small renal parenchymal mass smaller than 3cm in diameter,
postopertive benign tumors were not uncommon regardless of the malignant features on
the CT findings. Retrospectively, USG might be a better choice for AML detection than
CT. Therefore, both USG and CT should be included in preoperative workup for small
renal masses.


Small kidney neoplasm; Computed tomography; Ultrasonography;

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