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density, PSAD), 2) PSA ¼Óµµ(PSA velocity, PSAV), 3) ¿¬·É ƯÀÌ PSA Âü°íÄ¡
(age-specific PSA reference range)¿Í °¡Àå ÃÖ±Ù¿¡ 4) ºÐÀÚ ÇüÅ PSA °Ë»ç¹ý(molecular
forms of PSA)µîÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù. ÀÌ ¸ðµç °³¼±¾ÈµéÀº Á¤»ó Ç÷Áß PSAÄ¡¸¦ ¸ðµç ¿¬·É¿¡ À־ ´Ü
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Purpose: Many physicians now use serum prostate specific antigen(PSA) to screen the
prostate cancer in asymptomatic men. Normal distribution of PSA values was
determined and age-related serum PSA ranges were well established in the white. Until
recently, studies conducted to establish the normal serum PSA values have involved few
Asian populations. We aimed to establish normal distribution of serum PSA levels in
Korean men and to elucidate PSA variation among different races by comparing this
result with those of Caucasian and Japanese.
Materials and Methods: Between May 1995 and June 1997, 5,805 healthy Korean men
aged 30 to 79 years who visited our hospital for regular health checkup were entered a
prospective study for early screening of prostate cancer. All men underwent detailed
clinical examinations including digital rectal examination(DRE) and serum PSA
determination Any man who was over 50 years old with an abnormal DRE and/or
elevated serum PSA(>4.0ng/§¢) underwent transrectal ultrasonography(TRUS). Twenty
seven men underwent a TRUS-guided sextant prostatic biopsy and 4 were found to
have cancer who were excluded from this analysis.
Results: Median serum FSA concentration is 0.77ng/§¢ for 4th decade(n=1,382); 0.78ng/
§¢ for 5th decade(n=1,776); 0.85ng/§¢ for 6th decade(n=1,775); 1.03ng/§¢ for 7th
decade(n=746); 1.32ng/§¢ for 8th decade(n=122). Serum PSA concentration is correlated
with age(p<0.01) with increase by approximately 0.019ng/§¢ per year, but its statistical
correlation was weak(r=0.14). There were almost no change in median PSA
concentration and 95 percentile values until 50 years of age, while gradual increase over
ages in fifties. The age-specific ranges of median serum PSA of Korean males were
lower than those of Caucasian and a little higher than those of Japanese whose. ages
were fifties and sixties. Ninety five percentile value of serum PSA for Korean men were
lower than those of Caucasian or Japanese up to age in sixties but were higher in age
in severities than that for Japanese.
Conclusions: Contrary to earlier observations that serum PSA is strongly correlated
with age, the influences of age on serum PSA are thought to be weaker in Korean.
These findings imply that serum PSA levels in Korean males associated with prostate
disease may be lower than that of Western males. These characteristics might not have
the potential to make the age-specific serum PSA range more discriminating for
detecting clinically significant cancers in Korean.


Prostate cancer screening; PSA; Age; Korean;

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