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Purpose: Penoscrotal transposition is found in cases with severe form of hypospadias.
In those cases, severe chordee generally coexists and a long length of urethra may be
necessary for its correction. We evaluated the clinical outcome of surgical repairs for 12
patients of proximal hypospadias with penoscrotal transposition.
Materials and Methods: Out of 12 cases, there were 2 with penoscrotal type, 7 with
scrotal type and 3 with perineal type hypospadias. All cases had moderate to severe
chordee. Five cases were treated with one-stage repair and seven cases with
multi-stage repair. We analysed operative methods, postoperative complications and those
managements between the cases of one¡­stage and multi-stage repairs.
Results: For one-stage repair, we used transverse preputial island flap method in 3
cases and urethroplasty using scrotal skin flap in 2 cases. For multi-stage repair, we
performed Thiersh-Duplay urethroplasty In 2 cases, bladder mucosal graft in 2 cases
and Belt-Fuqua urethroplasty in 3 cases. Correction of penoscrotal transposition was
performed successfully in all cases. In all cases, a paucity of skin was the most difficult
problem. The overall complication rate was 50.0%. In cases treated with one-stage
repair, there were two cases with urethrocutaneous fistulas. However, in cases treated
with multi-stage repair, there were four cases with complications such as urethral
strictures, urethrocutaneous fistulas with or without large skin defect. Overall the
complications in cases with multi-stage repair were more severe than those in cases
with one-stage repair.
Conclusions: Our experience suggests that multi-stage operation may be not superior
to one-stage operation in cases with proximal hypospadias associated with penoscrotal
transposition. Thus we recommand one-stage repairs in those cases despite a paucity of


Proximal hypospadias; Penoscrotal transposition; One-stage repair;

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