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Ç׾ȵå·ÎÁ¨ÀÌ ÈòÁã °íȯµµ´ëÀÇ Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide Receptor¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ Effect of Antiandrogen on Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide Receptor of the Rat Gubernaculum

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Purpose: We attempted to investigate whether calcitonin gene-related peptide binding
to receptors in the gubernaculum is different between normal and flutamide-treated rats
or pups and whether calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)binding is androgen
Materials and Methods: Timed pregnant Sprague Dawley rats were injected with
flutamide or vehicle alone once daily on gestational days 15-19. Weight, anogenital
distance and distance from testicle to symphisis pubis of pups of gestational day 20 and
rats of neonatal day 1 and 7 were measured. Gubernacular sections from rats of
neonatal day 7 were incubated with (125I) human CGRP with various
concentrations of unlabeled hCGRP, and those from pups of gestational day 20 and rats
of neonatal day 1 were incubated only with [125I]human CGRP. After
exposure of gubernacular sections to imaging plate(BAS 2500), the images from the
plate were quantified by computerized densitometry(TINA).
Results: Weight and anogenital distance of flutamide-treated pups or neonatal rats
were significantly smaller and shorter than those of normal pups or neonatal
rats(p<0.01). Though the distance from testicle to symphisis pubis was not significantly
different between normal and flutamide-treated pups or neonatal 1 day rats, that of
flutamide-treated neonatal 7 day rats was significantly longer than that of normal
neonatal 7 day rats(p10.01). The total binding counts of (125I)human CGRP
on gubernacular sections of normal pups, neonatal 1 day rats and neonatal 7 day rats
were 56.3¡¾24.74, 68.2¡¾24.90, 78.4¡¾ 17.25(dpm/§· polymer), respectively, and those of
flutamide- treated pups, neonatal 1 day rats and neonatal 7 day rats were 43.7¡¾12.54,
35.1¡¾8.25, 57.5¡¾16.27, respectively. There were significant differences between normal
and flutamide-treated neonatal 1 day and 7 day rats(p<0.01). The binding in normal rats
was consistently increased from gestational day 20 to neonatal day 7, and it showed
weak correlation(r=0.398, p<0.05). The binding analysis showed that concentrations of
CGRP receptors were 20.0¡¾4.78 amol/§· polymer, 13.3¡¾3.87 amol/§· polymer for normal
and flutamide treated neonatal 7 day rats, respectively, and there was significant
difference between normal and flutamide-treated rats(p<0.01). However there was no
significant difference in the dissociation constant between 2 models. The images from
the plate in flutamide-treated neonatal 7 day rats looked smaller than those in normal 7
day rats.
Conclusions: These results suggest that the inguinoscrotal descent of testicle occurs
after the gubernacular eversion, CGRP binding in the gubernaculum is androgen
dependent, and androgen may not influence CGRP release from genitofemoral nerve
because of down regulation of CGRP receptor by antiandrogen. However, the role of
CGRP in testicular descent is still obscure and the mechanism of down regulation of
CGRP receptor by antiandrogen needs further investigation.


Gubernaculum; Calcitonin gene-related peptide; Flutamide; Cryptorchidism;

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