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¿ä°üºÎ¸ñÀ¸·Î ȸº¹µÈ ±âÁ¾¼º½Å¿ì½Å¿° 1·Ê A Case of Emphysematous Pyelonephritis Recovered by Ureteral Stenting

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A 62-year-old diabetic male was presented with abdominal pain. Six years ago, he
had been performed cystectomy with both cutaneous ureterostomy for bladder cancer
After admission, high fever was developed and radiologic findings revealed a calcification
occupying the whole left pelvocalyceal system with gas accumulation in parenchyme. We
starved the intensive cares with fluid therapy, broad-spectrum antibiotics and insulin
therapy, but he failed to improve with supportive management. For the decompression
we placed initially double-J stent through the left cutaneous ureterostomy instead of
percutaneous nephrostomy or nephrectomy. After stunting, postobstructive diuresis was
occurred and followed by marked improvement in general condition including vital sign,
mental status and laboratory findings. Herein, we report a case of emphysematous
pyelonephritis recoverd by ureteral stenting through the cutaneous ureterostomy in a
diabetic patient with contralateral atrophic kidney.


Emphysematous pyelonephritis; Urethral stenting;

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