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Purpose: Acute ethanol intoxication is known to be a high risk factor for urinary
retention among patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. In this study, the effects of
ethanol on rat bladder function were evaluated with in-vivo and in-vitro experiment. In
addition, the effect of calcium on inhibitory action of ethanol was investigated with
bladder muscle strips.
Materials and Methods: In in-vivo study, two sets of experiments were performed in
the male rat. In the first set, infusion cystometry was performed under anesthesia with
oral adminstration of ethanol and voided volume, voiding pressure and residual urine
were measured. In the second set of experiments, the bladder and the urethra were
completely separated by means of ligation between the bladder neck and the proximal
urethra. A simultaneous recording of the isovolumetric bladder contraction and proximal
urethral relaxation pressure was performed. In in-vitro study using the bladder body
muscle strips, the contractile responses were induced by bethanechol
(10-3M) in the Krebs' solution containing different calcium concentrations.
Various concentrations of ethanol were added in the bath and the contractile responses
were measured.
Results: In in-vivo study following oral adminstration of ethanol, the
cystometrographic findings showed that voiding pressure and volume were decreased,
however, residual urine volume was significantly increased, and the proximal urethral
relaxation pressure was not changed significantly. In in-vitro study, the removal of
extracellular calcium significantly reduced the bladder contractile response to bethanechol.
The high level of calcium in bath reduced the inhibitory effect of ethanol in contraction
of bladder muscle strips.
Conclusions: This study shows that acute ethanol intoxication would reduce bladder
muscle contractility and result in acute urinary retention.


Ethanol; Micturition; Calcium; Bladder Contractility; Rat;

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