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Purpose: Side firing laser prostatectomy(VLAP) is now considered as alternative
promise of transurethral resection of the prostate(TURP). This study was designed to
compare VLAP to conventional TURP in the efficacy and safety.
Materials and Methods: There was no significant differences in preoperative clinical
characteristics between the TURP group and VLAP group. To evaluate the effectiveness
and safety of VLAP, we compared the results of transurethral resection of
prostate(TURP, n=115) to laser prostatectomy(VLAP, n=45) in international prostate
symptom score(IPSS), maximal flow rate(Qmax), post-voiding residual urine at
preoperative, after 1 month, 6 months and 12 months postoperatively. For the VLAP
procedure, Nd:YAG was used. Patient was treated with 600§­ internal reflector fiber
covered by crystal glass carding (Side TrackTM).
Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the results between TURP
group and VLAP group. TURP group; IPSS of preoperative, after 1 month, 6 months, 12
months was 23.8, 9.0, 9.1, 9.0 and Qmax was 7.8§¢/s, 17.0§¢/s, 17.1§¢/s, 17.6§¢/s and
residual urine was 159.3§¢, 52.7§¢, 40.0§¢, 34.6§¢. VLAP group; IPSS of preoperative,
after 1 month, 6 months, 12 months was 22.8, 9.7, 9.8, 9.3 and Qmax was 8.1§¢/s, 16.0§¢
/s, 16.7m1/s, 17.1§¢/s and residual urine was 135.7§¢, 46.8§¢, 34.5§¢, 28.1§¢.
Postoperative periol of catheter indwelling and hospitalization was shorter in VLAP
group than TURP group(3.7¡¾2.0 days vs 5.3¡¾1.9 days, 4.5¡¾1.6 days vs 6.8¡¾3.5 days).
Conclusions: VLAP has no siginificant complications such as postoperative bleeding,
TURP syndrome. VLAP would be recommended as following: 1) prostate weight is
smaller, 2) physical status is poor, 3) anticoagulant treatment, 4) when patient wants
more safe treatment. We had a good results by means of VLAP. The good results come
from the use of internal reflecting type laser fiber. These results suggest that VLAP is
considered the most promising alternative to TURP.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia; Transurethral resection of prostate; Side firing laser prostatectomy;

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