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½Å¼¼Æ÷¾Ï ȯÀÚ¿¡ À־ C-reactive ProteinÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû ÀÇÀÇ Clinical Significance of Serum C-reactive Protein in Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma

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Interleukin-6(IL-6), ÀûÇ÷±¸ ħ°­¼Óµµ(ESR), CRP Immunosuppressive acidic protein(IAP),
P-53, alpha-2-globulin, fibrinogen, ÀÓ»óÀû Áõ»ó ¹× ¡ÈÄ, ȯÀÚÀÇ ¿¬·É, ÀÎÁ¾, ¼ºº° µîÀÌ °ü
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Áú·Î¼­ paraneoplastic syndromeÀ» À¯¹ßÇÏ´Â ¿ä¼Ò·Î ÀÛ¿ëÇÒ °¡´É¼º, ¶Ç´Â ¿¹ÈÄ ÀÎÀڷμ­ÀÇ
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Purpose: The authors investigated the clinical significance of the C-reactive
protein(CRP) in recurrence, metastasis and prognostic factors of renal cell
Materials and Methods: From January 1994 to April 1998, a total of 48
patients(confirmed as the RCC by pathology after radical nephrectomy) underwent a
study that made a correlation between the CRP and stage, tumor size, grade, cell type,
patient's age and sex. The CRP was measured preoperatively and postoperatively at an
interval of 3 months by the rate nephelometry(quantitatively).
Results: The mean of preoperative CRP(§·/dL) were 1.29 at stage ¥°, 0.50 at ¥±, 3.67
at ¥², 0.50 at ¥³. The mean of preoperative CRP in tumor size were 1.07 at <5§¯, 1.62
at 5-l0§¯, 1.60 at >10§¯. With regard to grade, the mean of preoperative CRP were 0.50
at grade ¥°, 0.62 at ¥±, 0.86 at ¥², 4.04 at ¥³, but there was no statistical
significance(p=0.24). The mean of preoperative CRP were 1.44 at clear cell type, 0.76 at
granular cell type, 0.50 at mixed type. With regard to age, the mean of preoperative
CRP were 1 15 In the 4th decade, 0.98 in the 5th, 1.93 in the 6th, 0.97 in the 7th and
0.50 in the 8th decade. The mean of preoperative CRP were 1.18 in men, 1.52 in women.
There were 5 patients who had distant metastasis during the follow up interval. The
preoperative average of the CRP in this group was 0.50 and 0.74 at the time of distant
metastasis; however, it was not statistically significant(p=0.07).
Conclusions: The CRP was not a significant prognostic factor in the RCC as
compared with the stage, grade, tumor size, cell type, age and sex.


Renal cell carcinoma; C-reactive protein; Prognostic factors;

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