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RigiScan(Dacomed, Minneapolis, MN, USA)°ú º¹ÇÕ ÃÊÀ½Æİ˻縦 ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿© À½°æÇظéü ³»
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Purpose: To investigate whether the result of RigiScan after intracorporeal injection
could predict the result of duplex ultrasonography, and determine the necessity of duplex
Materials and Methods: We performed both RigiScan and duplex ultrasonography after
intracorporeal injection in 18 men with erectile dysfunction. All of the patients were
evaluated by history taking, physical examination, laboratory test, hormonal tests, and
neurologic examination before RigiScan and duplex ultrasonography. We measured
maximal arterial diameter, peak systolic velocity, end-diastolic velocity using a 7§Ö. color
Doppler unit and these results of duplex ultrasonography were compared with penile
rigidity and tumescence measured by RigiScan.
Results: The positive and negative predictive value of RigiScan were 81.8% and
85.7%, respectively. The result of RigiScan was comparable with that of duplex
ultrasonography and the accuracy of RigiScan was resonable.
Conclusions: According to this results, duplex ultrasonography was needed if the
response of RigiScan is abnormal after intracorporeal injection. However, duplex
ultrasonography can be ommitted if the response of RigiScan is normal after
intracorporeal injection.


RigiScan; Duplex ultrasonography; Erectile dysfunction;

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