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Purpose : Recent studies report that up to 40 to 50% of patients who were thought to
have clinically localized disease were found to be understaged subsequent to radical
surgery. Clearly, development of more sensitive means to identify patients with
micrometastatic, locally invasive disease is warranted. With the development of
molecular biology, we can apply reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain
reaction(RT-PCR) that allows us to identify PSA-synthesizing cells in peripheral blood
even when they are highly diluted in a population of peripheral lymphocytes. In this
study, we will evaluate the role of RT-PCR in molecular staging of prostate cancer to
apply it to clinical situations.
Materials and Methods : Peripheral blood was obtained from a wide variety of
patients with and without prostate cancer before radical prostatectomy. After ribonucleic
acid isolation, complementary deoxyribonucleic acid was generated and amplified with a
hot-start technique. RT-PCR results were compared with pathologic stage, Gleason
score, serum PSA and tumor volume.
Results : The RT-PCR test was positive in 0 of 20 controls without suspicion of
prostate cancer. Before radical prostatectomy a positive test was obtained in 2 of
9(22.2%) with pT2 disease versus 3 of 5(60%) with pT3 disease. A positive test was
obtained in 5 of 6(83.3%) with overt lymph node or bone metastatic disease. We
obtained intermittent RT-PCR positive results in serial procedures with two overt bone
metastatic cancer patients. There was no significant difference in serum PSA, Gleason
score or tumor volume between the men with positive or negative results.
Conclusions : The PSA RT-PCR test in our laboratory cannot be used preoperatively
to predict accurate pathological stage of prostate cancer who have undertaken radical
prostatectomy. But there is a tendency that PSA mRNA was more frequently detected
with higher stage. If the methodology of RT-PCR is refined and improved and sample
size increased, RT-PCR for PSA mRNA will become a valuable tool for the evaluation
of prostate cancer patients.


Prostate cancer; Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction; Prostate specific antigen;

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