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Purpose : The role of spinal ¥á1 adrenoceptors in normal micturition
reflex of rat has not been known clearly yet. The purpose of this study is to elucidate
the role of ¥á1 adrenoceptor both at the spinal and peripheral level in
mediating the micturition reflex which is induced by bladder distension in normal
anesthetized rat and to compare the effects of different ¥á1 adrenoceptor
antagonists against the micturition reflex.
Materials and Methods : With eighty female Sprague-Dawley rats(200-250gm)
anesthetized with urethane, continuous cystometry was done by infusion of saline at a
rate of 0.5§¢/min. The following drugs were injected into femoral artery(intraarterial, i.a.)
and subarachnoid space(intrathecal, i.t.) at the level of L6-S1
spinal cord segment; phentolamine, prazosin, doxazosin and tamsulosin. Cystometric
parameters were analyzed before and after the drug injections, basal pressure(BP),
micturition pressure(MP), bladder capacity(BC), micturition volume(MV), frequency and
residual volume(RV).
Results : After i.a. injections of prazosin, doxazosin and tamsulosin, MP was
significantly decreased. Doxazosin(i.a.), markedly increased MV, BC and RV. MP was
more inhibited by doxazosin than prazosin or tamsulosin injection intraarterially. After
i.a. injection of phentolamine, decrease in MP and frequency but increase in MV and BC
were noted. Phentolamine(i.t.) raised BP and abolished MR followed by overflow
incontinence. Prazosin(i.t.) induced marked increases in MV. Tamsulosin(i.t.) caused
significant decreases in frequency but increases in BC.
Conclusions : At spinal level, antagonism of micturition reflex evoked by bladder
distension was more prominent by phentolamine. Inhibition of micturition reflex with ¥á
1 adrenoceptor blockers were greater peripherally. With these results, it
could be suggested that micturition reflex evoked by volume-induced bladder distension
could be modulated through ¥ál adrenoceptors at both the spinal and
peripheral level. In some selected cases, ¥á1 adrenoceptor agonist or
antagoist can be useful for the management of lower urinary tract dysfunction.


Micturition reflex; ¥á1 adrenoceptor; Spinal cord;

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