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Purpose : Peripheral adrenergic nervous system controls the penile erection and alpha
adrenoceptors greatly outnumber beta adrenoceptors. It is known that adrenaline has a
facilitatory effect but serotonin has an inhibitory effect on sexual drive centrally. But
few about the effect of central alpha adrenergic drug on the release of serotonin
centrally are known. Major adrenergic and serotoninergic innervation is found at the
hippocampus. This study was performed to investigate the effect of alpha adrenergic
drug on serotonergic nervous system in rat hippocampal slices.
Materials and Methods : The hippocampus from the male rat brain was sliced. After
30 minutes' preincubation in the normal buyer, the slices were incubated for 20 minutes
in a buffer containing 0.1¥ìM [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT) for uptake,
and washed. After administration of phenylephrine or clonidine, the release of
{3H]5-HT into the buffer was measured and the radioactivities in each
buffer and the tissue were counted and the results were expressed as a percentage of
the total activity. The value of released [3H]5-HT was expressed as
percent of the value at 50 minutes when a steady state of [3H]5-HT
release was obtained.
Results : After administration of phenylephrine(10-5M),
clonidine(10-5M), the values(mean¡¾SE) were 133.4¡¾7.3, 103.0¡¾0.3 at 60
minutes and 128.8¡¾4.6, 100.4¡¾4.1(%) at 70 minutes compared to the values of control
group,96.6¡¾1.9% at 60 minutes and 89.6¡¾2.3% at 70 minutes. The release of serotonin
was increased significantly after administration of phenylephrine.
Conclusions : It is suggested that alpha-1 adrenergic drugs may increase the release
of serotonin and therefore the integration of these two neurotransmitters may be


Alpha adrenergic drug; Serotonin; Hippocampus;

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