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Purpose : Our aim is to identify the false negative rate of doppler ultrasonography
and to compare doppler ultrasonography with pathologic findings during testis torsion in
animal model.
Materials and Methods : Seventeen male house rabbits weighted 1.9-2.6§¸ were
examined with doppler ultrasonography as control group and 1 rabbit was
orchiectomized as pathologic control group. In 16 rabbits, right spermatic cord was
torqued 720¡Æ count-clockwise and placed back into the scrotum, and 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18,
24, 48 hours after torsion, doppler ultrasonographic and pathologic findings were
examined at twisted testicles.
Results : In 1 hour and 3 hours group, false negative rate of doppler ultrasonography
were 100% and 6 hours after torsion false nagative rate was 63%. Nine hours after
torsion false negative rate was 50%, 12 hours after torsion false negative rate was 25%.
But after 18 hours group, all had decreased or disappeared blood flow.
Before 9 hours after torsion, there was no pathologic changes in seminiferous tubules.
In seminiferous tubules, number of spermatid decreased in 12 hours group and spermatid
was absent and spermatocyte were markedly degenerated in 18 hours group. In 48 hours
group, spermatic and spermatocyte were absent, number of Sertoli cell decreased
markedly and diffuse infarction were seen.
Conclusions : As time goes by, false negative rate of doppler ultrasonography was
decreased. So if blood flow have been normal when doppler ultrasonography was done
before 12 hours after torsion, doppler ultrasonography should be re-examined in
suspected testis before 12 hours after torsion because of spermatocytes are degenerated
after 12 hours.


Testis torsion; Doppler ultrasonography; Pathologic findings;

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