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Purpose : This study was to investigate how stomach flaps and graft adapt their
normal function to the urinary milieu after gastrocystoplasty. Also, it was studied to
find out whether the stomach graft can survive as a part of bladder and function
Materials and Methods : The rats were divided into 5 groups; 1) normal 2) partial
cystectomy 3) gastrocystoplasty with left gastroepiploic artery 4) gastrocystoplasty with
stomach graft 5) gastrocystoplasty with right gastroepiploic artery. Their bladder
capacity, end-filling pressure, serum electrolytes, BUN/Cr and urinalysis were measured.
And histological examinations were performed periodically on group 3 and 4.
Results : All rats of gastrocystoplasty with right gastroepiploic artery expired due to
bleeding, vasovagal reflex and urine leakage. But most rats with left gastroepiploic
artery and stomach graft survived. Their bladder capacity increased a little more than
the partial cystectomy group. Their end-filling pressures were not significantly
decreased compared with partial cystectomy group. Renal function and serum electrolytes
remained normal throughout the study. Serum Na+ of gastrocystoplasty
rats were significantly decreased compared with normal rats(p<0.05). Microscopic
hematuria developed in 15% of gastrocystoplasty rats with left gastroepiploic artery.
Histological examination showed the urothelialization from the site of anastomosis
toward the central portion of the graft. There were hyperplastic and squamous
metaplastic changes on the bladder mucosa adjacent to the transplanted gastric patch.
Bladder ulceration was observed in the gastrocystoplasty group with left gastroepiploic
artery, but not in the gastrocystoplasty group with stomach graft. The gastric glands
were observed and alive throughout the study in the gastrocystoplasty group with left
gastroepiploic artery, but were not seen at postoperative 4 weeks in the
gastrocystoplasty group with stomach graft.
Conclusions : Based on the experimental data, it is suggested that augmentation
gastrocystoplasty with left gastroepiploic artery pedicle is preferable to right
gastroepiploic artery pedicle. It was concluded that the gastrocystoplasty using stomach
graft and flap in rats could adapt to the bladder urodynamically, histologically and
biochemically, and that the stomach graft could be used as one method of complete
tissue graft.


Gastrocystoplasty; Graft; Flap; Rat;

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