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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2007³â 48±Ç 10È£ p.1075 ~ 1081
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Purpose:We investigated the effect of anticholinergic drug treatment before midurethral sling surgery in patients with mixed urinary incontinence(MUI).

Materials and methods:Between January 2004 and December 2006, 112 female patients with MUI were evaluated. Forty-seven patients were not medicated with anticholinergic drugs(Group A) and 65 patients were medicated with anticholinergic drugs(Group B) for 2 weeks or more(2-8 weeks, mean 2.34¡¾1.02) before the midurethral sling operation. After the midurethral sling operation, the patients were followed up for 4 weeks or more(4-48 weeks, Group A is 7.83¡¾8.70, Group B is 6.77¡¾7.58). Cure of the incontinence after the procedure was defined as the absence of subjective symptoms such as frequency, urgency, urge incontinence and the absence of objective leakage on stress testing. All other cases were considered failures.

Results:There were no significant differences between the group that was not medicated preoperatively (Group A) and the group that was preoperatively medicated(Group B)(cure rate of Group A was 87.2% and Group B was 89.2%, p=0.745) in the cure rate for pure stress urinary incontinence. However, comparison of the postoperative results for the MUI showed significant differences (cure rate of Group A was 63.8% and Group B was 81.6%, p=0.035). The cure rate was significantly higher in the preoperatively medicated patients than in the patients who were not preoperatively medicated with regard to the MUI.

Conclusions:Our findings suggest that treatment with anticholinergic medications before a midurethral sling operation improves the cure rate in patients with MUI. (Korean J Urol 2007;48:1075-1081)


Urinary incontinence;Treatment

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