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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2007³â 48±Ç 10È£ p.1082 ~ 1087
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Purpose:Although acute uncomplicated cystitis in women is relatively common, there have been few studies on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) related to cystitis. The aim of this study was to assess characteristic troublesome symptoms in female patients with acute uncomplicated cystitis using a symptom questionnaire designed at our clinic.
Materials and methods: An routine urinalysis and urine cultures were performed in 310 women who had visited our clinic between January 2005 and June 2006. Of these patients, 172 who had pyuria(mean age, 47.4¡¾15.3 years) were screened for major symptoms using the questionnaire. The questionnaire included four categories of symptoms(14 symptoms): LUTS, local symptoms, general symptoms, and pain-related symptoms. The severity of symptoms was rated on a 4-point scale from 0(no symptoms) to 3(severe symptoms). The severity of symptoms was compared with the results of the routine urinalysis and urine cultures.

Results:Urine cultures were positive in 107(62.2%) patients. Themost frequent and distressing symptom was dysuria, a pain-related symptom (89.0%, 1.78 points). Frequency was most common among LUTS(71.5%), and unwell was most common among the general symptoms(87.2%). In patients that were positive for urine cultures, the occurrence rate of low abdominal discomfort(81.3%, p=0.038) and irritability(72.9%, p=0.026) were significantly higher.
Conclusions:The questionnaire may be useful to assess duration and relief time of LUTS and to determine the progress and treatment outcomes of acute uncomplicated cystitis. Further studies will be required to investigate the effects of acute uncomplicated cystitis related to LUTS. (Korean J Urol 2007;48:1082-1087)



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