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Àü¸³¼±¿°ÀÇ ÇöÀç¿Í ¹Ì·¡ The Present and Future of Prostatitis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2008³â 49±Ç 6È£ p.475 ~ 489
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Prostatitis is a common disease that is confusing and frustrating for urologists. Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome(CP/CPPS) is the most common form of prostatitis. The etiology of CP/CPPS is unknown, but possibilities include infectious, autoimmune, neurological, endocrine and psychological causes. Clinical evaluation can aid in diagnosis and follow-up of the patient¡¯s response to therapy. Treatment for CP/CPPS is empiric and limited by a lack of randomized, placebo- controlled clinical trials. Antimicrobials are commonly used to treat patients with prostatitis. Other commonly used drugs include ?-adrenoceptor antagonists, anti-inflammatory drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, and anticholinergic agents. Also, minimally invasive procedures are considered in patients with CP/CPPS and It is possible to treat intractable patients with invasive treatment. Although much progress has been made in therapy, there is no distinct treatment for patients with CP/CPPS. If the concept of neurogenic inflammation with pain is solved, it is possible to treat patients with CP/CPPS at future.


Prostatitis;Chronic pelvic; pain syndrome; Etiology;Treatment;Neurogenic; inflammation

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