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Primary Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2009³â 50±Ç 2È£ p.188 ~ 191
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Á¤¼ºÈ¯ ( Jung Sung-Hwan ) 
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Á¤¼öÁø ( Jung Soo-Jin ) 
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¹Î±Ç½Ä ( Min Kweon-Sik ) 
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Á¤ÀçÀÏ ( Chung Jae-Il ) 
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ÃÖ¼ºÇù ( Choi Sung-Hyup ) 
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°­µ¿ÀÏ ( Kang Dong-Il ) 
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Primary signet ring cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder is a relatively rare histological variant of mucus-producing adenocarcinoma usually of poor prognosis. We report two cases of primary bladder signet ring carcinoma. The first patient underwent a radical cystectomy with ileal conduit (pT3bN1M0), radiotherapy, and chemotherapy (M-VAC regimen) and subsequently expired 37 months after surgery. The other was initially diagnosed with peritoneal metastasis from the primary bladder signet ring cell carcinoma and was treated with partial cystectomy (pT3bNOM1). Postoperative adjuvant therapy was not done because of patient¡¯s refusal.


Carcinoma;signet ring cell;Urinary bladder

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