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Twist and Shout: A Clinical and Experimental Review of Testicular Torsion

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2009³â 50±Ç 12È£ p.1159 ~ 1167
Riyad T. Ellati, Parviz K. Kavoussi, Terry T. Turner, Jeffrey J. Lysiak,
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 ( Riyad T. Ellati ) 
University of Virginia Health System Department of Urology

 ( Parviz K. Kavoussi ) 
University of Virginia Health System Department of Urology
 ( Terry T. Turner ) 
University of Virginia Health System Department of Urology
 ( Jeffrey J. Lysiak ) 
University of Virginia Health System Department of Urology


Purpose: This review addresses different aspects of testicular torsion from the clinical perspective as well as the basic cellular and molecular events responsible for the post-torsion testicular changes and pathology, including tissue ischemia-reperfusion injury.

Materials and Methods: A review of all published literature on testicular torsion was performed by use of two search engines.

Results: Testicular torsion, or more correctly termed torsion of the spermatic cord, is a surgical emergency in order to salvage the testis. Its incidence is approximately 1 in 4,000 per annum. Testicular torsion must be treated promptly to avoid loss of the ipsilateral testis; however, even with torsion repair and gross testicular salvage, significant injury may still occur.

Conclusions: The cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to ischemia- reperfusion injury are incompletely understood, and adjuncts to surgical treatment have received little attention. Understanding the cellular and molecular effects is important because 25% of males with a history of torsion may experience adult infertility. This review emphasizes current knowledge of basic science results and clinical outcomes of testicular torsion.


Testis;Testicular torsion;Ischemia;Reperfusion;Apoptosis

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