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Retrovesical Multilocular Prostatic Cystadenoma Mimicking a Pelvic Cavity Tumor

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2009³â 50±Ç 12È£ p.1262 ~ 1264
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ÃÖÂù ( Choi Chan ) 
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Á¤½ÂÀÏ ( Jung Seung-Il ) 
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¹Ú±¤¼º ( Park Kwang-Sung ) 
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°­Åÿø ( Kang Taek-Won ) 
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±Çµ¿µæ ( Kwon Dong-Deuk ) 
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±è¼±¿Á ( Kim Sun-Ouck ) 
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¹ÚÁعé ( Park Jun-Back ) 
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We report the case of a 58-year-old man with a multilocular prostatic cystadenoma in the retrovesical space that mimicked a pelvic cavity tumor. Multilocular prostatic cystadenoma is a rare form of benign prostatic hyperplasia that originates from the prostate with extensive spread into the pelvis. Histologically, the tumor consisted of glands and cysts lined by prostatic-type epithelium lying in a hypocellular fibrous stroma. For a cystic tumor adjacent to the urinary tract, ectopic prostatic cystadenoma is needed to be considered in the differential diagnosis of pelvic cavity tumors.



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