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Malacoplakia of the Epididymis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2013³â 54±Ç 4È£ p.274 ~ 276
°­À¯Áø, ÀÌ°æ¼·, ±è±âÈ£, ±è¼º¿ì,
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°­À¯Áø ( Kang Yu-Jin ) 
Dongguk University College of Medicine Department of Urology

ÀÌ°æ¼· ( Lee Kyung-Seop ) 
Dongguk University College of Medicine Department of Urology
±è±âÈ£ ( Kim Ki-Ho ) 
Dongguk University College of Medicine Department of Urology
±è¼º¿ì ( Kim Sung-Woo ) 
Dongguk University College of Medicine Department of Radiology


Malacoplakia is a chronic inflammatory disease. The disease mainly affects the urinary bladder, although involvement of extravesical sites is increasingly being documented. Most frequently involved is the urinary tract, particularly the urinary bladder, although the testis, epididymis, lungs, bone, colon, prostate, female genital organs, and retroperitoneum can also be involved. Here we report the case of a 61-year-old man with a scrotal mass with histology that was specific for malacoplakia of the epididymis. The histologic workup demonstrated extensive involvement of the epididymis by diffuse infiltrates of large histiocytes with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and numerous Michaelis-Gutmann bodies, which were diagnostic of malakoplakia. This is the first case of epididymal malacoplakia in our country and the first case of epididymal malacoplakia without concurrent involvement of the testis. There have been few reports of this condition worldwide.



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