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Tricholithobezoar: An Unusual Late Complication of Neourethral Reconstruction in Aphallia

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2013³â 54±Ç 5È£ p.345 ~ 347
Singh Vishwajeet, Nagathan Deepak Sharanappa, Sinha Rahul Janak, Gupta Dheeraj Kumar,
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 ( Singh Vishwajeet ) 
King George Medical University Department of Urology

 ( Nagathan Deepak Sharanappa ) 
King George Medical University Department of Urology
 ( Sinha Rahul Janak ) 
King George Medical University Department of Urology
 ( Gupta Dheeraj Kumar ) 
King George Medical University Department of Urology


An 18-year-old man born with aphallia had undergone phallic reconstruction in childhood followed by total urethral reconstruction with a buccal mucosal graft and groin-based pedicle (Singapore) flap urethroplasty at 13 years of age. The patient presented with obstructive voiding symptoms lasting 6 months followed by acute urinary retention. The results of a voiding cystourethrogram showed a filling defect in the distal urethra that had been reconstructed by use of the skin flap. On urethroscopy, a 3 cm¡¿2 cm sized tricholithobezoar was seen in the distal urethra. Pneumatic lithotripsy followed by bulbar urethrolithotomy was performed in the same operation to extract the bezoar. The remaining hairs were mechanically epilated. The patient has been doing well for 6 months of follow-up.



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