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Misplacement or Migration? Extremely Rare Case of Cardiac Migration of a Ureteral J Stent

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2014³â 55±Ç 5È£ p.360 ~ 362
±èų², ÀÌÂùÈ£, °øµµÈÆ, Shin Dong-Kil, ÀÌÁ¤ÁÖ,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
±èų² ( Kim Tae-Nam ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Urology

ÀÌÂùÈ£ ( Lee Chan-Ho ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Urology
°øµµÈÆ ( Kong Do-Hoon ) 
Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital Department of Urology
 ( Shin Dong-Kil ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Pusan National University Hospital Department of Urology
ÀÌÁ¤ÁÖ ( Lee Jeong-Zoo ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Urology


A 29-year-old woman with mild back pain when coughing and suprapubic discomfort after voiding was admitted to Pusan National University Hospital. Two weeks earlier, she had undergone a hysterectomy and right-sided ureteroneocystostomy for uterine atony and right ureteral injury with bladder rupture. Computed tomography showed that a ureteral J stent extended from the right ovarian vein to the right cardiac chamber. The stent was retrieved via both femoral veins with a snare loop and pigtail catheter. Computed tomography showed that the urinary and vascular tracts were normal 5 months after the procedure.


Foreign-body migration; Heart; Stents

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