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Adolescent Varicocele: Are Somatometric Parameters a Cause?

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 2014³â 55±Ç 8È£ p.533 ~ 535
¹è±ÇÈ£, ½ÅÈ«¼®, Á¤ÇöÁø, °­¼®Çö, Áøº´¼ö, ¹ÚÀç½Å,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
¹è±ÇÈ£ ( Bae Kwon-Ho ) 
Catholic University of Daegu Medical Center Department of Urology

½ÅÈ«¼® ( Shin Hong-Seok ) 
Catholic University of Daegu Medical Center Department of Urology
Á¤ÇöÁø ( Jung Hyun-Jin ) 
Catholic University of Daegu Medical Center Department of Urology
°­¼®Çö ( Kang Seok-Hyun ) 
Catholic University of Daegu Medical Center Department of Urology
Áøº´¼ö ( Jin Byung-Soo ) 
Catholic University of Daegu Medical Center Department of Urology
¹ÚÀç½Å ( Park Jae-Shin ) 
Catholic University of Daegu Medical Center Department of Urology


Purpose: It has been reported that varicocele is found less frequently in obese men. Accordingly, we evaluated varicocele patients and statistically analyzed the correlation between varicocele and somatometric parameters.

Materials and Methods: A total of 211 patients underwent surgery for varicoceles. All patients underwent history taking, physical examination, and scrotal ultrasound to determine the presence and severity of varicocele. An age-matched control group consisted of 102 patients who were found not to have varicocele according to physical examinations and scrotal ultrasound. The age, weight, height, and body mass index (BMI) of the two groups were compared. The statistical analyses were performed by use of PASW Statistics ver. 18.0. A p-value of less than 0.05 was used for statistical significance.

Results: In the varicocele group, the mean age, height, weight, and BMI were 29.42¡¾14.01 years, 168.53¡¾9.97 cm, 62.14¡¾13.17 kg, and 21.66¡¾3.21 kg/m2, respectively. The distribution of varicocele grade was as follows: 103 (48.8%) grade III, 72 (34.1%) grade II, and 36 (17.1%) grade I. In the control group, the mean age, height, weight, and BMI were 30.83¡¾17.31 years, 161.93¡¾19.83 cm, 64.69¡¾17.86 kg, and 24.04¡¾3.64 kg/m2, respectively. Analyzing these data specifically in adolescents, they showed significant differences in age, height, and BMI (p=0.000, p=0.000, and p=0.004, respectively) between two groups. There were no significant differences in somatometric parameters between patients with different grades of varicocele.

Conclusions: Our results showed that patients with varicoceles were significantly taller and had a lower BMI than did patients without varicoceles, especially among adolescents. Carefully designed future studies may be needed.


Body height;Body mass index;Varicocele

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